PSI Product Test SpiderEx

PSI conduct independent review of SpiderEx Spray; here are the results:

The area around the PIR light was quite heavily covered with cobwebs and as soon as the SpiderEx was sprayed around the unit a couple of spiders emerged and showed an instant reaction to the product.

After one month of application, there was still no sign of any spider activity on any of the units even after heavy rain in week three. No new cobwebs formed and the shiny coating left by the spray was still visible.

“It was quite clear from the reaction of spiders in the vicinity when the spray was applied that they really do not like this stuff!”

PSI’s Conclusion on SpiderEx

SpiderEx not only removes the likelihood of unsightly cobwebs around technology but may also therefore aid in the reduction of unwanted alarm triggers.

At around £10 per 300ml can of spray, it might sound a bit pricey but it does represent a simple method of reducing insect activity for your installations. What’s more, in our test it did appear to work unlike a bowl of conkers or peppermint oil that ‘old wives’ say will keep spiders away. It was quite clear from the reaction of spiders in the vicinity when the spray was applied that they really do not like this stuff!

“After one month of application, there was still no sign of any spider activity on any of the units even after heavy rain.”

9.0 out of 10


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