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Luminite Alertex Internal Wireless Master Call Point Sounder & Beacon Blue
Luminite Alertex Internal Wireless Master Call Point Sounder & Beacon Blue
ALERTEX Wireless Critical Alert system is a robust wireless alert solution that operates over a secure, wireless mesh protocol. It is battery operated and requires no wires or cabling. The units are portable and rapidly deployable. Up to 64 ALERTEX units can be used per site, with an impressive 1km line of sight wireless transmission range between units. Each unit acts as a repeater and the alert transmission can ‘hop’ up to 16 times across the mesh network, allowing the ALERTEX system to have a maximum line of sight range of up to 16km. ALERTEX units are highly energy efficient and can last up to 2 years on a set of batteries. ALERTEX System can be used as a standalone system, comprising of one master unit and several slave units. The master unit features a master reset key that can be used to reset the system post-activation. The ALERTEX system can be monitored and controlled from one central location by adding in a Genesis IP Masthead to be used with the ALERTEX PC app. From the app, the ALERTEX system can be monitored, activated, and tested. Additionally, email alerts can be set up to be sent to 3 separate email groups in the event of an activation. The ALERTEX Wireless Critical Alert system comprises two main variants: ALERTEX Fire Alert and ALERTEX Lockdown.
Main Features
Robust wireless alert solution with secure mesh protocol
Battery operated, no wires or cabling required
Portable and rapidly deployable units
Supports up to 64 units per site with 1km transmission range
Units act as repeaters, extending range up to 16km
Energy efficient, lasts up to 2 years on batteries
Master unit with reset key for post-activation reset
Central monitoring and control via Genesis IP Masthead
Email alerts to 3 separate groups upon activation
Available in Fire Alert and Lockdown variants